I had a really good week this week. We went on exchanges. I went to steamboat springs with Hermana bennett. She is a spanish speaking sister and she has been on her mission for 13 months. She made me sing I am a child of God in spanish to some random strangers haha. It went ok....I think haha. She is Sooooooo awesome! I loved every minute of being with her. She is so loving and kind and super funny. she is 25 and is from Canada. We taught 5 people when I was with her and the spirit was so amazingly strong. She taught me alot while I was with her for that short amount of time. I've been working really hard on teaching just by the spirit and teaching with her helped me alot with that.
Sister Robinson and Sister Remington (hermana bennett's companion) stayed here in craig and they did a great job. I am not worried at all about leaving sister robinson this next transfer. She did a great job. We find out if we are leaving in 2 weeks. I have a feeling that I will be transfered, but I feel like I will be staying close by. I really think that Sister Robinson will be training this next transfer. We need 60 trainers for this next transfer and they are opening up 40 new areas. Super crazy. (I can't remember if i already told you that before)
I am really really enjoying my time here. I finally feel like I am getting the hang of things. I feel the spirit alot more in the lessons we teach and I really feel like we are being guided by the lord's hand in this area.
Last night for example, we taught this couple who has been less active for a really long time. ( I think about ten years.) The husband told us that he became bitter because he works for the city and is in charge of the roads and the garbage and every time he came to church 3 or 4 members would come up to him and complain about how he was running the streets and garbage. He said it happened every.single.time. he went to church. Then when someone in the stake presidency did it to him, he was super fed up and never went back. The wife has been off and on active. But she has a hard time going because her husband doesn't go. We felt prompted to be bold and ask them why they go to church and the husband was honest and said he goes to please his wife and the wife said it was to feel the spirit and cause she knows it's where she is supose to be. We then had an incredible lesson about the savior and how he sacrificed for us so that we could be with our families forever. They both got emotional when we talked about the savior and you could tell they truely had a testimony of Him. We told them that by reading our scriptures, praying, and going to church and keeping the commandments is how we show the savior that we love him and we are willing to follow him. The spirit was so strong it was incredible!! When we left there, I just really truely felt like we helped someone that day. It was the best feeling every.
Well I have to go, but thank you guys so much for your support and your love. I love you guys so much!
Love Sister Jones