
Monday, August 19, 2013

Leaving Craig, "I'm splitting WHAT area?!?", and 3 more hospital visits

So remember how I said last week was the craziest week of my mission? Well I fibbed, because this definitely tops all of the craziest of the crazy weeks I have ever had.
Ok So on Tuesday morningthey (my zone leaders) called me and told me that I would be splitting the......wait for it.......The Assistants to the President's Area!!!!!! What?! I know! I didn't think they were serious. But it really did happen. They shipped me back over the mountain and I am in the Orchard South area. This area touches my old area where I first started my mission, that is in the new mission now. (sister waters is still there) The people we live with have a GIGANTIC DOG! His name is Eli and he is a mastiff. He is probably close to 4 feet tall. Now it makes sense about why the elders were asking me about dogs. We work super closely with the Assistants  now. I hope they can show us all their secret ways of being amazing missionaries. We are in one of the richest areas in the entire United states. Cherry Hills Village. You need to google it. When we go to church we pass HUGE multimillion dollar homes. It's insane. We have members of the ward how have servants and I'm pretty sure we could fit every student of moses lake high school into their houses and each student would have their own room and ipad to play with haha . And then we have members who live in low income houses who can barely put food on their tables. It is really weird. The elders have all of the lower class people in their area and we have the super high income families and middle class families. I keep looking around for all the trailer parks and then I remember that I'm not in craig any more :(.
Oh man it was so hard to say goodbye to craig. I was fine until one of our investigators (who was super drunk) got really upset that I was leaving. He even cried and said that he didn't care if they sent me to affrica ( imagine this being said in a super drunk voice) if he got well enough to get baptized (he is an alchoholic) he would take out a loan and fly me back to see his baptism. I lost it. It was so hard not to cry after that. Then we had dinner with Brother Ence and Sister Ence and brother ence told me that I was a ray of sunshine and said so many nice things that I don't deserve and then asked for a hug. Oh my gosh that was sooooo hard. I then said goodbye to brother st. john and he told me that I was like a daughter to him and that he would always remember me and would love me forever. I was an emotional wreck the entire night. It was really weird saying goodbye to sister robinson too. But I know she will be ok. Her new greenie seems super sweet.
So my new companion is Sister gregerson. She is the sweetest person I have ever met. She is from Ervin, California and she is 19. She went to byu for a year before her mission. So Wednesday we had district meeting and that was crazy. In our district we have our district leader, the zone leaders, the assistants, and then us......super funny. After district meeting we had a couple appointments then we started tracking. Then the craziness started. Sister Gregerson puked in the gutter 3 times and I took her home after getting some medicine in the store. She got a fever and it wouldn't go away. We went to urgent care and they said it was a stomach bug and she would just have to wait it out. They gave her some anti-nausea medicine and then sent us home.
The next day she had extreme dizziness, extremely bad headache that went to her neck and she was going to the bathroom every 5 minutes. (not exaggerating) On the little paper it had a warning sign and said if she had those symptoms to go back to urgent care. So we did and they gave her some more medicine ran more tests and then sent us back home with basically the same info as the last visit. Super unhelpful. The next day sister Gregerson seemed to be doing tons better and I thought we would be able to go to church the next day. but then at 10:30 Pm she was doubling over because of this extreme pain in her lower abdomen. She said the pain was unbearable and we ran to the er. The put an IV in her took some blood, urine, and other samples. Then did a cat scan. They gave her some heavy duty pain meds and she was doing ok. But then around one in the morning her pain meds wore off and all heck broke loose. She was in excruciating pain and it took the doctors 30 minutes to give her more pain meds!!!! When they finally did she was ok for like 10 minutes and then she had another pain in her upper abdomen that was ten times worse than before. Yet again it took the doctors 30 minutes to get her a shot and more medicine. I was loosing it. Watching her writhe in pain and crying and basically look like she was dying I freaked out. I kept pushing the nursing call button but there were a bunch of ambulances coming with people dying so they took FOREVER to come and save her. She asked me to say a prayer and I begged heavenly father to make everything ok. The doctors came and settled everything down. they said she had a really bad muscle spasm and that all of her test came back clear and they said that her virus or bug was in her cologne and was causing inflammation. They gave her some MORE drugs and sent us home at 3 in the morning. That was probably one of the most awful nights I have ever experienced. Sister Gregerson was so high on drugs I couldn't understand anything she said to me and she could barely walk in a straight line. I directed her to her bed and she basically slept the entire next day.
We went to a specialist doctor today and they gave her some antibiotics and said it should be all over in a couple of days. I feel so bad that she has had to start off her mission this way. but I already feel super close to her. She is such a trooper and I admire her determination and faith soooo much. I hope and pray all of the craziness is over. It. was.scary!! The mission president's wife told me that I have now been called as the Mission's nurse haha. I really hope not. I don't know how to handle all of this craziness. I will definitely keep you posted on everything next week. But I have to go. Keep sister gregerson in your prayers and thanks so much for all of your support. Love you all
Sister Jones
Picture of poor sister gregerson in the ER.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Aug. 12th letter. Emergency room, baptism, transfers, 27 lessons and my blog actually gets read!

Yes, This probably has been the craziest week of my mission.
It started off pretty normal, but when wednesday came, for lack of a better term, all heck broke loose!
So on a normal busy day we have about 5 to 6 lessons and we feel like those days were super awesome. This Wednesday we had 10, that's right 10 lessons!! We started off the day by going on splits because we over booked ourselves. Sister Ence went with sister robinson and Sister Ratzlaugh went with me. It was so awesome! We were literally running from appointment to appointment the entire day. We had dinner with a family we love and rushed to a couple last appointments. Little did we know that sister robinson drank some crystal light during dinner. Which has artificial sweetners in it, which she is allergic too....yup.
When we were all finished with our day (or so we thought) I noticed that sister robinson was acting a little strange. I asked her if she was ok and she replied. no....She had a sevear headache and her throat felt like it was closing up, her back was hurting her and she started shaking...Freaked me out! So I called the elders and had them come over to give her a blessing. It didn't seem to do anything so the 1st ward elders called their bishop (who is a doctor) and asked him what they should do?? He said to give her some extra strength tylonel and if that didn't help within 45 mins to an hour that we should take her to the hospital. I called our mission president and his wife like crazy and neither on of them would anwser. (Cause it was midnight and they were sound asleep) After we waited an hour, sister robinson was still doing bad. I knelt down in the living room and prayed to heavenly father that someone would anwser thier phone (cause we need to get permission before we go to the hospital). Finally one of the assistants to the president anwsered their phone the first phone call I made after I said my prayer. They said it was up to me on judging whether or not we go. I was basically already at the hospital when they said that so I was like oookay. We  got in there and the doctors told her that it was a bad allergic reaction and from the stress of the day it made it even worse. They gave her some medicine and a shot and at 3 in the morning the sent us home. It was an extremely exhausting day. Luckily we got ahold of the mission president's wife and she said for us to take it extremely easy the next day so sister robinson could recouperate. She is doing much better now. Man, it was craziness!!!
Another Crazy thing i forgot to tell you last week is that we got a baptism this week!!! My first one!! But not technically haha. That's another funny story. Basically the elders were teaching this little 13 year old girl who is a friend of one of the members in their ward. They didn't know until two weeks ago that she actually lived in our area. So we inherited her. Which was so awesome because she is the sweetest nicest girl ever and you can just see the light of christ glowing within her. She was baptized on saturday at 10 am. It was so wonderful and everything ran so smoothly. There was a GREAT turn out and even one of our investigators came! We are excited to have her in our ward now. :) The craziest thing though is that my district leader gave sister robinson and I blessings about a month ago and he promised us that we would have a baptism. At the time I was shocked because our investigators were getting close to baptism, but I didn't think any of them would be ready by the end of the transfer. So it was so cool to see that promise come true!!!
We had such a spectacular week!! we got 27 lessons!!! So awesome, cause the most we have got is 20. The Lord has blessed us SO MUCH!!!!!
Now I probably should get to the nitty gritty about the news on transfers...........Sister robinson and I are both training.....I am being transfered :(..... I am so sad. It doesn't seem real. I have been saying bye to people but it still hasn't hit me yet. The worst part about it is I have no idea where I am going. I find out tomorrow. Ugh. My mission president is such a tease. On friday night he asked me if I want to know where I am going and I was like "YES!" he said "Well you will find out tuesday" That stinker. The assistants also were giving me a hard time too on saturday night. They told me that I am going to love my new area and that I am going to the best ward in the mission. ( So they are splitting craig 2nd ward right??) they also asked me the other day if I am a dog person? I said yes but they wouldn't tell me why they asked me until saturday. they said it has to do with were I am going. The anticipation is killing me!! But I will find out in less than 24 hours. It is also weird to think that I am leaving sister robinson and that she is training a new little greenie. I know she will do great. Hopefully I trained her well haha.
Oh the last part I wanted to tell you about is about my blog haha. So today I was saying good bye to a recent convert that I love and she was giving me her email and stuff and told me to look her up on facebook when I get home. I told her that she could read my blog so she could read these emails that i sent to you guys. She was asking me what the name of my blog was and when I told her it use to be "Confessions of a poor college student" she was like. "Hey I think I have read that blog before." haha She totally did. Isn't that crazy!! She read the posts before I even left on my mission. I almost fell out of my chair cause I seriously only thought that you lovely people that my mother sends these emails to read my blog. I never thought anybody else but family and friends would really come across it haha. That was so awesome. Made my day! Well besides dying of anticpation. I am doing super super good. Sad to leave but also excited to get to my new area and meet my new companion and find those amazing people the lord is preparing me to teach. I love you all!! Thanks for all of your support. Have a wonderful week!!!
Love you
Love sister Jones
Picture: Savannah Duran's baptism and all of her friends who are supporting her :)
