On Saturday night, my roommate, sister, Rachel, Andrea and Chaz, and a bunch of other friends pulled together a fire and made smores down in logan canyon, just past second dam. We told stories and joked around until midnight and everyone sang to me and made me do a birthday dance. (which i was unprepared for so it was a pretty lame dance) We then went over to my friend Marc's apartment and we watched Never Been Kissed :) One of my most favorite Drew Barrymore movies haha and we had popcorn, cadbury eggs, and cuddled on the couch. I then slept over at Jacy and Rachel's apartment.
The next morning we went to Marc's apartment again and they made me breakfast! As you can see from the picture they made a pancake 21 and one that was a K. haha so cute and so sweet. I then went to church, which was wonderful. And then after that my grandma and grandpa Lund made dinner for me and Jacy and rachel. They even made me a truffel cake with candles to blow out. AND THEN jacy (the little sweetheart ) made me a delishious cheesecake and rachel gave me my present. (oh i forgot to say jacy gave me my present that morning)
And just when you think it's all over today at work my co-workers bought me three bags of m&m's, bought me Another cake, and they took me out to Olive Garden.
AHHH it was so great! everyone treated me so nice and made me feel loved. I got phone calls texts, and facebook messages all day wishing me a happy birthday. It was so nice I wanted to cry. I am such a lucky and blessed girl to have so much family and friends who were willing to make my birthday special! THANK YOU everyone who made my 21st birthday spectacular!! I love you ALL!!!!
P.s. I'll try to post more pics of my bday later :)
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