Well I am a little late on posting this, but Halloween was so fantastic I thought I should share it. Here is a picture just to give you a little taste of how magnificent it was.
Halloween started out as a perfectly normal day. I'm not kidding when I say a perfectly normal because I totally, and completely forgot it was Halloween. I sat in my car, turned on the radio and the first thing the overly peppy radio man says is "Happy Halloween". Crap! Since I have perfectly calculated my morning routine into a 25 minute process, I only give myself about 10 precise minutes to get ready each morning, I was going to be late to work if I didn't start driving immediately.
I had an internal battle for about 30 seconds on whether or not I should whip up a costume and be late to work, or just be a party pooper and not dress up. I decided on the later and backed out of my driveway and drove cheerfully to work.
The closer and closer I got to work the more I desperately wished I would have grabbed a costume...I am suppose to be the "young spry chicken, who parties too much" according to the old ladies I work with. How am I suppose to rise to their expectations with no costume.
Plus after years and years of observation, I have learned that there are only two people in this world...the partiers and the party poopers. I was putting myself into the pooper category by not dressing up. I'M TO YOUNG TO BE IN THE POOPER BOX! My heart is 100%, Absolutely, positively definitely in the party category but who would believe me when I showed up...costumeless. This was bad.
Then i spotted it! My soccer bag! I totally had all of my soccer clothes for our indoor game in my back seat. Bless my heart. I subconsciously prepared for Halloween with out even knowing it ;).
So I quickly changed and was an "intrumerals soccer player" for work. But wait, I know what your thinking "Aren't you wearing a fantastic Safari adventurer outfit in your picture." Well...yes I am, I drove straight to the DI after work and found that beauty.
Jacy, Rachel and I decided that we were going to celebrate Halloween by going swing dancing after Jacy and I's indoor soccer game. We barely won KICKED TRASH! in that game, rushed home and drove straight to the dance.
Country swing dancing is a blast! But this is our third week going and we are definitely beginners. We see people doing moves like this...
And this...
And we are over here...like this...
It's the truth...
But one day, we will be pros ;) We are mostly there to scope out the hot cowboys and potential eternal companions.
The only problem with swing dancing is that it is inside and with all those hot, sweaty country bodies swinging around (not in a dirty way, you sicko) it gets dang hot hotter than the sun real quickly. Especially after playing an intense, butt whooping soccer game right before. I have to resort to only dancing one dance and spending the next two drying off. But still fun ;)
Things were going great. I had been cheerfully swinging, laughing and spraying potential soul mates with my sweat until jacy and Rachel both had been asked to dance and I found myself awkwardly standing alone.
I was caught in the middle of debating on whether I should pretend the group of girls next to me where my friends or to stay put and hope some guy would feel bad for me and ask me to dance, when this broad shouldered, tall, manly man came up to me with his friend. "Are you Amish? " he said laughing and then pointed to his friend and says,"would you like to dance with my friend chad?" It took me almost a full minute to realize that his Amish comment was referred to my costume, and it took me another full minute to realize that his friend, who had been holding onto his arm with both eyes closed, was blind. Before I could finish both trains of thought i said sure...
So in a confused daze I walked to the middle of the dance floor with Chad holding onto my arm. Not saying anything he started swinging my around with pretty good coordination. I hate awkward silences, so i started trying to think about something Chad and I could talk about. But I was drawing a blank. I COULD NOT think of what to say. Which is usually pretty rare for me...It's pretty hard to get me to zip it when I am dancing with new people. But I don't really know any blind people.
I remember meeting a blind kid in 6th grade. I was a student body officer (what ever the heck that was)(in 6th grade I seriously didn't know what a student body officer was an how i became one....) n.e. ways the other "student body officers" and I were in a early morning meeting making posters for an assembly. I remember the blind kid was there and he super smart. He could guess right every time what we dropped onto his desk. I then remember watched these really mean kids harassing him and making him guess what color of marker they were scribbling on his arm. I also remember them hitting his desk to try and scare him. Why are kids so terrible?!
So all I know about blind people is that they are really smart and are perfectly normal people like me. So we probably could talk about anything. (except mean kids picking on him) I just really, really didn't want Chad to think I was an idiot. (or one of the kids that bullied him, cause I remember I wasn't mean...but i didn't stop the kids from being mean. Which is just as bad.)(Oh my gosh! I'm a terrible person!) . And before I could figure out if I really was a terrible person, or if i have changed since 6th grade, or what I could start talking to chad about, my brain started going into panic mode.
How do i start the conversation? what do i say? Will it be ok if we don't talk the whole time? what if i offend him? what if chad was the blind kid in 6th grade? what if he knows it was me who didn't stop the kids from bullying him?!! Just compliment him on his dancing and he will never suspect you...and before my brain decided on what to say my mouth decided to practically yell "SO YOUR NAME IS CHAD?!" Why the crap are you yelling at him Kelcey he's not deaf!
Chad:whispers something inaudible.
Me: (still in a super loud voice) MY NAME IS KELCEY.
Chad:whispers again something I can't hear. maybe he is talking quiet to get me to talk quiet. but yet again i yell.
Me: THAT'S COOL?! SO DO YOU COME TO THESE DANCES OFTEN? yeah that's good, now you can compliment him on his dancing.
Me: I CAN TELL, YOU ARE REALLY GOOD AT *oft* just as i was about to finish my compliment he smacks my arm against my forehead and almost knocks off my hat.
Me: haha, haha ha ha I'm wearing a hat. What?!
Chad: says nothing...
Me: (go back to yelling) SO WHERE ARE YOU FROM CHAD?!
Chad: Bear lake
Me: I hear it's beautiful there! oh my heck did i say that out loud? no, oh praise the heavens...THAT'S COOL, I'M FROM WASHINGTON.
Chad: So do you like dogs?
Me: I LOVE DOGS! why can't i control the volume of my voice?
Chad: I have a service dog.
Me: AW, WHAT KIND OF DOG IS IT? oh no! does he know what kind of dog it is? did somebody tell him?
Chad:She is a golden lab, and retriever mix.
then the songs ends...
Me: Well thanks for the dance. oh now i can talk normal.
I run and chuck Chad and all the bad memories back to his friend and hide in a corner the rest of the night. Sometimes I should not be allowed in public...
Besides chad reminding me how much of an idiot i am (and how I am a non bulling stopper). Halloween was fantastic!
Chad was in our b-land ward! Maybe he had moved to another ward by then...anyway. He's dogs name is Huck and I have him in my phone as Chad and Huck. and i'm the same way :)Oh, and I miss you and think you're wonderful and miss you. Did I mention that I miss you?