This week has been a crazy week
. TREVOR AND RAIN GOT BAPTIZED ON SUNDAY!!!!!!!! We found out on friday last week that Trevor and Rain were going to get married this week (thursday) So we just went ahead and planned for the Baptism on Sunday. It was pretty crazy because we didn't know if Trevor was going to have work off on Sunday until Thursday evening. Luckily we were able to throw it all together in time. I Did forget to get them towels #fail. But considering how many things could have gone wrong I was happy that that was the only problem. Plus they could dry off with other baptismal jumpsuits. haha We even had a really good turn out and the baptism ran super smooth. Heaven knows it was the Lord that made everything fall into place. I was pretty nervous Trevor was going to do a canon ball in the font. (It's seriously something he would do) But the only crazy thing he did was after he got baptized, he came up out of the water and said, "Wow, that was gnarly!" The day before the baptism one of our ward missionaries invited us and trevor and rain to come to dinner with his family. It was a hilarious and awesome dinner. Trevor and Rain were completely themselves and seemed to enjoy their dinner. Trevor came to all 3 hours of church and even had a couple comments in sunday school :). Gosh I just love them more than words can describe!
So we got Transfer news...........Black Canyon is being whitewashed..........which means they are taking all of us missionaries out and putting new missionaries in. Pretty sure they are just going to put one set in. We aren't sure if it's going to be elders or sisters. It's been madness for the past couple of days. The elders and I made sure to make our area book was perfect. The new missionaries are really lucky. They will have Three, 3 inch binders full of perfect records with all the addresses and phone numbers and summaries of where everyone is at progression wise. And since we are super nice we made a planner for the new missionaries to have. It has all the phone numbers of the auxillaries and quorem leaders, and address of the church and all their set appointments. They should have a really good week this first week considering they have about 30-35 set appointments hahaha.
I can't really explain why we are getting whitewashed until I come home. So you can ask me then haha. but I know that I am still assigned to Cimarron ward. Which I'm super happy about. I love that ward. The members are sooooooooooo awesome at missionary work. They are all-star missionaries. Sister Caisey and sister hayward are both getting transfered. They made a lot of changes this transfer. So much madness....
I'm excited about this next transfer. i have a lot of goals and I can not wait to have an assigned companion again. It's been kinda lonely taking care of my two areas by myself. Sister Caisey and Hayward tried to help but they had their ward to help too. I miss having a companion to share the ward with.
Well I love you all and I hope you are having the best day ever!!!
Love sister Jones
Here's Trevor and rain pictures! Aw just love them!!
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