
Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Progress, oh that is a lovely word. I didn't really appreciate this word much. But after spending about 7 months in a rut this word rings joyous bells in my heart.

If you remember from my previous post, I have a huge pile of paper work to sort out in my brain. For the longest time I just let it pile up and I was  a little nervous, TERRIFIED to even look into that room. But I am happy to report that not only have I stepped into the room, but I took it upon myself to do some fall cleaning. I even removed some of the paper work.

A file that has been collecting for FOUR years has been put into a box and literally been buried into the ground. 

With the help of Kurt and Terena's wonderful family we had a burial service for this paperwork (memories). I said some words, wiped away a few tears, and let go.

It feels fantastic. 

So fantastic

To be making progress...

Here are some pics of the service

I'd like to thank everyone who helped make this possible for me. I couldn't have done it with out you.

Love Kelcey
