
Monday, December 30, 2013


Hello family and friends,
We had a fantastic week! Besides getting evicted......we couldn't have asked for a better week. hahaha We don't have much time to email this week so I will have to catch you up on the details of eviction next week haha.
On christmas day we (our zone) baked some cookies and decorated them and put them on 7 lovely plates. We then had a caravan of cars and we delivered them to families and sang them christmas carols. We ended our little caravan adventure at the palisade living center and sang to some senior citizens. It was so sweet. I loved every minute of it. We ended our christmas by going to the senior couples house with some other missionaries and put a puzzle together and played scrabble. So fun. We have a super busy week scheduled for us next week. Should be full of adventures. I hope everyone has a wonderful day and has a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
Love sister Jones

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Dec 23rd. Merry almost Christmas!

Dear Everyone,
I felt like all week I should be freaking out that my sister is getting married, but I have such a great sense of peace and happiness for her. It has been really cool because I have been teaching the Plan of Salvation to people and when I hold up a picture of the temple to talk about eternal families I say, "My sister is getting married in a temple and she is making a covenant with God that she will be true and faithful to her husband and keep the commandments and in return God promises her that she can be with her husband for time and all eternity." The investigators think that is super awesome. It is really fun to be able to teach that way. Isn't Heavenly Father wonderful. He loves us so much to provide a way to be SO HAPPY. Happier than words can even describe.
I have been thinking a lot about the Savior and how much he loves us. It is overwhelming. It feels so wonderful to be on a mission and being able to completely dedicate my time and service to the Savior. It feels like I am able to show my love and gratitude for Him, by bringing others unto him. I am really excited that this Christmas our mission president has invited us to have a Christmas like Christ would. Christmas Eve and Christmas Day all we will be doing is teaching the gospel and doing service. I!
Sooooooo many people have been giving us cookies, caramel popcorn, homemade bread, banana nut bread, turkey (yeah we got a bag of turkey yesterday haha), gift cards, and cash. If we piled everything in one stack it would reach the ceiling. Don't tell anyone but we have given away every single thing we have received from the ward and investigators. (except for one plate of caramel was just so good!) We REALLY don't need any more sweets. It just feels so good to give to people who need it more than we do.
We really really appreciate all the gifts that we have received, but every time someone hands us something I can think of someone who needs it more.
For example, one of our investigators lost her job a couple weeks ago and her roommate moved out, leaving her hanging on the rent payment. So, she got evicted from her apartment this week. She sold or gave away everything. She gave me a pretty necklace.
All she had left was a bag that she put her Book of Mormon, Gospel Principles Book, and Bible that we gave her and her wallet. We went to go visit her and gave her a loaf of homemade bread that one of the members made for us. She was SO excited. Dipping that bread into spaghetti sauce was her dinner.....She was sooooo happy though. She was really really excited to tell us a story about how she went to Walmart to put a bike on lay away for her 3 year old son. When she got to the front of the line the lady told her that they didn't have lay away any more that season. She said she only had 50 dollars and couldn't pay for the rest. She was about to start crying when a lady behind her tapped on her shoulder and said that she felt prompted to come to Walmart and be someone's secret Santa. she was in the lay away line to see if she could buy a gift card so the cashier lady could give it to someone. So she paid for Nakya's bike......That story touched my heart so much. I am SO grateful for that woman's kindness. I love Nakya more than words can describe. She is going to Denver to try and find work.  She told us it didn't matter what happened to her because she has found faith. She said we were the first people to ever get her to go to church in 13 years. (she is 27) She said we were the first people to ever get her to pray out loud. She said she knows that God loves her and there is now a way for her to be clean. She is so excited to start on her path to follow the savor. She want's to get baptized the next full moon. haha aw man, I love that girl. I hope everyone will have a christmas like christ would. Give a little more love, share a little more kindness, and just bare your testimony of God's love to someone. Cause that's what really matters this holiday season.
I love you all and have a very Merry Christmas!
Love Sister Jones

An Email from an Elder sitting by Sister Jones
Hey Sister Lisa Jones!!
This is Elder Horman in the Colorado Denver South Mission.  I am currently sitting next to your daughter who happens to be serving in not only the same mission as me but the same ward.  Can you believe that!?  She is such a great missionary and example to me and to many other missionaries in this mission.  Thanks for raising a great daughter.  She is a hard worker and constantly striving to improve and to lift others around her.  Have a wonderful Christmas and I know that Christ lives.  What a blessing to have such a loving brother to sacrifice His life for us so that we may have the opportunity to return to our home in Heaven.  Merry Christmas!
Elder Horman

THis is my lovely new companion Sister Sheppard! She is from indepence, Missouri but originally from SHELLY,IDAHO!!! Yes she knows Mckenzie haha isn't that crazy!! I love her to death already. She is amazing!! I'm super excited for this transfer with her!!!!

Monday, December 16, 2013

Dec 16th. So I think my mission President is trying to Kill me!!

So we got transfer calls and just when I didn't think I could be stretched or be challenged any more, The lord (through my mission president) throws me ANOTHER curve ball!!! Sigh...So I am staying her in the beautiful grand Junction 9th ward and my mission president would like me, this next transfer, to Train a new missionary ( a little greenie) AND be a sister training leader all ANYONE has any spare tissues or Chocolate, please donate generously. Don't get me wrong. I absolutely love training new missionaries, and I absolutely love being a sister training leader over 16 sisters. But it honestly feels like (this is the only thing I think I can relate it to in normal Mormon life) being called as a new relief society president the same day I have a child. Granted I do get a lot more sleep than newborn mothers get and my new missionary is potty trained...hopefully....AND I don't have 60 sister's im over like a relief societ president AND I am grateful the Lord and my mission president trust me so much. BUT oh boy, it's going to be an adventurous transfer this next 6 weeks. Being a sister training leader, like I said, is fun, but exhausting. I really feel like a mom/relief society president. We go on exchanges with the sisters, make them cards, plan activities. We do all of these trainings, we call our dear sisters to see how they are doing. Run to their house if one is having a nervous break down, help them decide to stay on their missions if they want to leave. Encourage them, make them feel loved and at the same time take care of our area and our investigators. It was manageable when my companion was a sister training leader with me too. She knew what she was doing and shared the load. But now I will have a newbie and I'll will be showing her the ropes and taking care of the sisters. Bless this dear sister's soul. She isn't going to know what's in store for her this transfer hahaha. I hope I don't sound like I am complaining. I am just a tiny bit nervous. If you could throw some prayers my way it would be much appreciated.  I'm just not sure how I feel about all of this, but as times before I KNOW the Lord will take care of me. He always does.
Ok, ok I'm done freaking out. HOW IN THE WORLD IS EVERYONE ELSE DOING?? Are you just so excited for Christmas?! I am! Oh man I feel bad for complaining earlier because I am about to tell you how incredible our week was last week. The lord blesses me so much I can't even handle it sometimes.
WE FOUND 8 NEW INVESTIGATORS THIS WEEK AND WE TAUGHT 28 LESSONS!!!!!! Aw man it was the best. Such a good week to end with sister quist. Aw she is the best. I have to tell you the best miracle that happened EVER!!!!!  Brace yourselves!!
So Sister Quist and I got to an appointment for an investigator but the member that was coming with us was running a little late so we decided to talk to some people in the neighborhood while we were waiting. We spotted this lady who was getting her broken car towed. So we chatted with her for a minute but let's just say she was having a pretty bad day. But the guy towing her car was nice and took our card. When they left I suggested that we knock on a blue house that was across the street. So we walked over there. There was a guy outside the house and Sister Quist started talking to him. He said we could come in to pray with his family so he invited us in. He had a wife and 3 girls. We prayed with them and it was a very sweet experience. We asked them if we could come back to teach them the next day and he said that would be fine. 
The next day we went to visit them and we found out how much of a huge miracle it was we found them. Their name is the Sanchez family and when we taught them we found out that they were taught by missionaries before! They were on date for baptism when they lived in Cortez, CO. One transfer those missionaries were whitewashed and the Sanchez family didn't see missionaries again. They were lost in the transition. Then they moved here to Clifton. They told us that they had been praying that some missionaries would find them so they could be baptized!!!! It was so cool because the day we found them he told us that he heard the screen door slam and so he went outside to check it out and that's when we talked to him. 
Oh my goodness God has been blessing us so much. Their entire family came to the Christmas party. We gave them all book of Mormons and they are on date for January. The Dad has read all the way to 2 Nephi since we gave him the book of Mormon on Monday!! Wow, it is so cool. I love this area.I love the gospel! It is so true!!
And you know what else! I love you guys! I hope you have the best week ever.
 Oh ok, one more thing. My dear lovely wonderful friend sister Flannery (who I started my mission with but is in the new mission now) I got a letter from her this week and she told me that her mother, is passing away from cancer....She might have already passed away this week. I'm not sure. Sister Flannery talked to her mom for the last time this week on face time. She decided to stay on her mission and she has the same amount of time I do left on the mission. If you would like to send her something in the mail that would be the best thing in the whole world. I forgot to get her address but let me know next week and I will give it to you. If you want to mail it to me I can redirect it to her. ugh so heartbreaking. 
I guess that is just a little reminder to count our blessings and to tell our love ones how much we love them. Sister Flanery is the best and strongest person I know.
I love you all. I mean it. SO much!
Love sister jones

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Dec. 9th

Soooo, Here is the scoop...I will tell you in a day to day outline so you will understand how it all happened;
Wednesday: I went on an exchange with a rather new sister missionary and we visited a lady who had the stomach flu. She told us not to come in but she is getting baptized this next weekend so it was pretty important that we saw her. We had a great discussion and finalized some things for her to get baptized. The rest of the day we went on our merry little way and everything was fine.
Thursday (When all the drama happened!): So I was fine that morning and we went to district meeting and had a lovely time throwing snow at the elders and then we ate lunch. I was kind of feeling queasy so I decided to eat a little slice of Cornbread. (Yeah the paramedics didn't think that was smart) Then we went to Habitat for Humanity. It's just like Goodwill. We did some service there by decorating the Christmas section. (which I love to do) I started to feel really really weird. I couldn't think straight because I felt so queasy and then I kept having to go the bathroom. (which isn't usually that unusual for me, but I had to go #2. But it was more like #1 1/2 cause I had diarrhea. Sorry for the gross details.) So instead of doing 2 hours of service we just did one. Then we high tailed it out of there. Once we got home I changed into some pj's and layed down and I was out. I woke up like 3 hours later and I walk into talk to my companion and I get super queasy and go to the bathroom and I puke a TON! I haven't puked that much since after cross country practice. (when mom made me go! and dad laughed at me and said "holy cow that's a lot of throw up!") Do you remember that?! Cause I DO! That was about 8 years ago. So I figured I got the stomach flu that lady had. I was super sad about that because that lady was sick for almost 2 weeks. I felt better after puking but I decided to go back to bed. I woke up about 2 hours later. The elders came to bring me Pepto-Bismol and gave sister quist some chocolate. (so nice!) A lady in the ward who was suppose to feed us that night came and gave us some chicken noodle soup and some herbal tea. (also super nice) I asked them if they could give me a blessing and they said sure. They gave me a really nice blessing promising me that I would heal quickly and I would be back to 100% in no time. I thanked them and they all left.
about 30 minutes later........
I went into the bathroom again because I felt like I was going to puke again. I was kneeling by the toilet and all the sudden I felt like I was going to black out. My hands started going numb. That freaked me out a little bit and I started breathing fast. I knew that I just needed to catch my breath. So I started doing some breathing exercises that my cross country coach taught me. But for some reason I couldn't get my breathing under control. My hands started cramping up and that's when I yelled for sister Quist. She called 9/11because at that point I had gone into a full panic attack. It.was.horrible. Luckily they got to our apartment really fast. They were really really nice and helped calm me down really quickly. I was fine in no time. They checked all my vitals and hooked me up to a little heart monitor. I was fine and they explained what happened to my body. They said it was because my heart rate was super low and because I was dehydrated from being sick and not drinking enough fluids. They said the panic attack happened because I freaked out a little when I was blacking out. They told me how to come out of it. If that where to happen again. I was super grateful they were there. After they left everyone and their dog freaked out because they thought I Died. But we explained to everyone that I was completely fine. I was just tired and felt like I had just ran another half marathon....without training for it
I don't really remember Friday because my companion informed me that I slept a total of 20 hrs....whoops.
Saturday: I slept in but we actually were able to teach three lessons that day. We came in early and I went to bed early.
Sunday: I was completely healthy as a horse. Like nothing even happened. I did have to rip off the heart monitor things that they stuck to me and that wasn't fun. But before I did I took a little picture of my tag attached to my heart monitor sticky thing. hahah that was pretty funny.
So that was my crazy story of almost/but not really dying. I am so much better now and we kind of joke about it now. haha. I'm sorry if I cause much stress in your neck of the woods but I hope you can feel better to know that it was just because I was dumb and didn't stay away from that sick lady when I should have. Thank you so much for your emails of love and concern. I Love you all and I hope you have a GREAT WEEK!!!!!
P.s. I now have an even stronger testimony of the priesthood and priesthood blessings!
picture is of my tag and heart monitor thing haha

Dec 2nd, Quote of the week-"Will you stop singing that music, it is making me too jolly."

So we found out that we can only listen to hymns this christmas season. Our mission president told us that Christmas music does make us feel jolly but it doesn't direct our thoughts to the savior :) I agree.
 But it is very hard to avoid the christmas music when we are around shopping on pday. AND when a member gives us a singing christmas tree with eyes and mouth and everything. So this morning I plugged in our beautifully creepy christmas tree that we named Charles, and he started singing "Santa Claus is coming to town." So naturally it got in my head and I was singing it about 30 minutes later and sister Quist, my obediant companion stated the lovely quote of the week haha. She is so hilarious, and so obediant. I'm glad I have her in my life to keep me on the straight and narrow.
Sister Quist and I have had such a good week. I already broke the news to my mom, so I'm not to nervous about sharing this with everyone. But....I ATE 3 THANKSGIVNG DINNERS! PLUS HAD DESSERT AT ANOTHER MEMBERS HOUSE. Holy smokes that was a lot of food. Don't worry, i didn't puke but i was pretty darn stuffed by the end of the day. Wow, we had such a fantastic thanksgiving. The best part was kicking trash in our zone soccer game. Pretty sure the elders didn't see that one coming bahaha. The only bad part was when people asked me what i was thankful for I always teared up when I talked about my family and now everyone thinks I'm home sick. I love my family, but for some reason I really like having this time away because it really helps me focus on the true spirit of the season. I am so excited to really get to learn the true meaning of christmas this year. Our relief society lesson was on a talk by Jeffrey R. Holland called, "Maybe Christmas doesn't come from a store." Oh it was so good and I would encourage everyone to read it because it really helped me appreciate the nativity story. It touched me heart so much.
I am however, a little relieved this week is over because we had this sister confrence that my companion and I were in charge of. I was SO stressed out about it, because we wanted it to be perfect. We invited all the sisters in the two zones we are in charge of and all the sisters from the two zones sister bennett and her companion are in charge of. So we had about 50 people there. We (sister Quist, Sister Bennett, Sister Betts and I) did some trainings and president murdock and his wife came to do some trainings too. It was so awesome! We basically talked about how sisters are the best and they rock the mission. Trying to chastise them to do better, modivate and inspire them. All that good stuff.  haha We had to have the zone leaders come, because president wanted them to learn from us too. I felt bad for them I think they felt really weird being out numbered by the sisters haha. I think they liked it though. I shared a family history story and bawled my eyes out in front of everyone. it was great haha. We have gotten some really good feedback from the sisters. They said they loved. it. :) I'm super glad it went well and that it is now over. We have been stressing about it forever.
Well I hope everyone is having a magical week and is enjoying the holday spirit.
I love you all!!!
Love sister Jones

Nov 25th, Quote of the week-"Did you know your parked on their lawn?" -Me

Yeah, Sister Quist parked on somebody's yard a couple days ago. She had no idea...bahahah. It was super dark and we were late to an appointment. We were in a trailer park and it seemed like a parking spot, but it was their grass.....hahah oh man to funny! The happenings of a missionary.
Life as a missionary is too funny. I can't figure out why. I thought college life was funny, but for some reason missionary life is ten times funnier on a daily basis than college ever was.
Maybe perhaps it's because the Lord stick 200 teenagers in one specific area, He hands them the keys to bringing people to eternal salvation and only gives them 2 weeks of training.....It's pretty hilarious if you think about it.
For example we went to the ward breakfast this saturday and the elders were talking to our ward mission leader. They were discussing the baptism that was happening that evening and about how the little 10 year old boy was getting baptized picked the closing song and he chose....."God be with you till we meet again." I could hear them talking and this conversation ensued.
Brother Beynon."What's wrong with that song?"
Elder McGee"Well we are going to see him and eveyone else tomorrow when he gets confirmed."
Elder Horman"Do you think they would notice if we changed it?"
Brother Beynon "God be with you to we see you tomorrow!"
Elder Mcgee"Yeah we should change it."
Elder Horman"But we just talked to him about what song he wanted yesterday."
This is when I chimed in
Sister Jones, "I think it's fine, we had an investigator who wanted 'Follow the prophet' as their closing song for baptism"
Brother Beynon "Adam was a prophet! first one that we know..."
Elder Mcgee "I think we should change it to 'If you could high to Kolob'"
Elder Horman "What about Jesus Wants me for a sun BEAM?" (jumping in the air as he said Beam)
Sister Jones "What about Scatter sunshine?"
Elder Mcgee" That song creaps me out for some reason...."
Brother Beynon "Well I have all day to do the program so how about you call me and tell me what you decided?"
Elder Horman "Yeah I need to pray about it."
Elder Mcgee "Yeah me too!"
later at the baptism.......
I turned to my companion and sang our closing song
"God, be with you till we meet again...tomorrow"
Bahaha, I don't know if that is funny to you but I find this so hilarious. You know what else is hilarious? When your companion parks on your investigator's lawn. Ah man I love my life. Hope everyone is having a fantastic week

Nov 18th ELDER BALLARD, yeah we are best friends now :)

You will never beleive what I am about to tell you! Brace yourselves!
Elder Ballard came to a stake confrence and invited us to meet with him afterwards!!! What the?! I know. It was so incredible. We found out last week that he was coming to stake confrence, but it wasn't in our stake......We were so bummed that we weren't going to be able to attend. We talked all last week about how we wish we could go and how cool it would have been for our investigators to hear him speak. THEN! on saturday morning we found out from our mission president that we were invited to hear him speak to the missionaries. Aw man I was dying with excitement.
There was only about 50 missionaries that were invited to this. He was incredible. We all were seated in the relief society room, reading our scriptures and listening to our 1st counsler in the mission presidency play the piano. Then he walked in.....It was like a wall of the spirit hit us. I just wanted to cry the whole time. He talked to us about how to be good missionaires, the importance of our calling, and how we can help the ward members do their missionary work. It was amazing. I am still in shock that it even happened. But the absolute craziest thing that happend is yet to come. If you didn't pass out from shock of the previous news this just might do the trick.
We found out that in the adult session of Stake confrence Elder Ballard mentioned how great our area (like the area that I'm serving in, like the one I do missionary work it....Yeah i'm being serious) did last week. Yes.that.really.happened!!!! Between the elders and us we had 50 lessons. 27 of which were member presents! He (Like elder ballard, like an apostle of the Lord) told the people there that our ward gets it. That this is how missionary work should be done. We have the most incredible ward ever! We had 9 investigators at church. We brought 3 and the elders brought 3 so that means the ward memebers brought 3 investigators to church. Aw man it was so wonderful. Why does god bless us so much? I have no idea! Wow we are so lucky.
Well I'm about to get kicked off. I hope everyone has a wonderful week and remember throughout your days that I got a shout out from elder Ballard. We are like best friends now. No big deal. Well I love you all!! Have a wonderful day
Love you!!
Love sister jones and elder ballard
(we sign our names together on everything now ;) )

Nov 12th. Quote of the Week-"I can't meet with you tonight, I have girl scout cookie training..."

Is that even a real thing? My companion and I beg to differ.
Anyways I have to tell you all about how my companion and I HAD THE BEST WEEK EVER!!! I'm not even exagurating this time! I don't know how it happened but we were one lesson short of 30 lessons! 15 of which were member presents and we found 9 new investigators! Yeah, i'm still shocked at how that even happened! Golden investigators were dropping from the sky!
Ok coolest thing that happened this week, we were driving to get to an appointment. But I completely forgot where the house was. We turned down a wrong street and we spotted two young men outside of their car smoking. We pulled over our car and went over to talk to them. Their names were Austin and Walker. We started to ask them if we could sing them a song, but they said they had to go to work. So we gave them our card and told them that we as missionaries come and share with people a message and invite them to pray and ask god if it is true. Austin said, "Oh that's cool. We were just talking about finding a church to go to the other day. Can you come over to my house and teach me and my girlfriend and my girlfriend's mom?" we were like, "OF COARSE!" So we set up a time to go see them. We got to teach him and his friend but his girlfriend was still in school so we came back later to teach her. They all were super receptive and wanted us to come back! We taught them the restoration. We came back and just had a lesson with Austin we invited him to read and pray the time before and when we went back he said that he feels really happy when he prays about it. We asked him if he would be baptized and he said YES!!!  Aw man it was so cool. Heavenly father just placed them at the perfect time into our lives. SO coool. We also found 2 more families that we are going to teach this week and I am super pumped about it! They are also super awesome.
I am just blown away with how much god is blessing us. Wow, we are so lucky to be in this area. The zone leaders that we share the area with also had a super good week and they said on their zone leader confrence call President Murdock commented on how awesome we did. That just really makes us feel good. I don't know how in the world we are going to beat this week, but I hope and pray we can continue having amazing weeks.
Oh, I almost forgot to tell you! My new companion is sister quist! She is from California, san jose area. She has been on her mission for 14 months. I love her to death already. She is super funny and keeps me laughing all the time. I do miss sister Bennett a ton, but I have a feeling this transfer is going to be an amazing one too. I hope all of you are doing well and are sharing the gospel with your friends! Now is the time! Romans 13:11-12. I love you all!!! Have a great and blessed day!!
Love Sister Jones!!!!
